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Free Training Materials for Young & Newly Hired Employees Now Available

Young Employee

Employees new to a job and young workers are more likely to become injured.  Over half of the accidents involving younger workers occur during their first six months on a job, and new hires are four times more likely to become injured than those with more experience.  

To address these concerns, SRI ergonomists developed training materials to help educate these individuals and keep them safe, through funds provided by an OSHA Susan Harwood Training Grant.  The training explains why young and newly hired employees are more likely to become injured at work, describes the primary work exposures that contribute to cumulative physical trauma, detail symptoms that help to identify soft tissue damage, and provides examples of workplace changes and work practices that employees can take to perform their jobs more easily and reduce their risk of developing a musculoskeletal disorder.

The materials are in PowerPoint format and can be given to employees to learn on their own or used by an instructor for training purposes.  Download it here for free.